I am Android developer,
I am facing a problem while making an API call.
I am receiving a huge amount of data, making an API call, and I get the API call success, I can see the JSON response in the logcat.
Now I convert that JSON response to a model class. Then I faced a problem. I get an exception something like this. "empty String".
But my data is huge. I can't find where exactly the problem is.
- for API callGson
- for converting and handling dataActivitiesApiRepository.searchActivities(object : retrofit2.Callback<JsonElement> {
override fun onResponse(call: Call<JsonElement>, response: Response<JsonElement>) {
val mResponse = Gson().fromJson(response.body(), MyModelClass::class.java)
ActivitiesApiRepository.searchActivities(object : retrofit2.Callback<MyModelClass> {
override fun onResponse(call: Call<MyModelClass>, response: Response<MyModelClass>) {
val mResponse = response.body() as MyModelClass
empty String
Please any have solution how can I manage it?
This problem occurred when your model class does not match your raw json result normally. I guess a variable type is "empty string" on your raw json result, and "List type" or "custom class type" on your code. You can copy and paste your json result to the text editor and try formatting it, and you can see the formatted result. Focus on the empty string result, and verify in your code whether it's the correct type.