There are two dataframes:
id | time | status
1 | 10:00 | conn |
1 | 10:01 | disconn |
2 | 10:02 | conn |
2 | 10:03 | disconn |
3 | 10:04 | conn |
id | time |
3 | 10:05 |
If there is no disconn time value for ceratin id then take it from table2. How to get wished result ?
id | conn | disconn|
1 | 10:00| 10:01 |
2 | 10:02| 10:03 |
3 | 10:04| 10:05 |
You can pivot
, then fillna
with map
out = (table1.pivot(index='id', columns='status', values='time')
out['disconn'] = out['disconn'].fillna(out['id'].map(table2.set_index('id')['time']))
Variant for the second step:
m = out['disconn'].isna()
out.loc[m, 'disconn'] = out.loc[m, 'id'].map(table2.set_index('id')['time'])
id conn disconn
0 1 10:00 10:01
1 2 10:02 10:03
2 3 10:04 10:05
If you have duplicated ids/status:
out = (table1.assign(n=lambda d: d.groupby(['id', 'status']).cumcount())
.pivot(index=['id', 'n'], columns='status', values='time')