I have a folder called Private
, which contains a number of subfolders. Each of those folders contain a number of zip files.
Now I would like to create a batch file to copy all the zips in all the subfolders containing the letters Win
to another folder. The source path is F:\_QA\Private\
and the destination is F:\_QA\Zips\
I initially tried just for testing to copy all the zips using
XCOPY F:\_QA\Private\ F:\_QA\Zips\
which didn't seem to work.
You'll want to use the dir
command which can output all zip files recursively, and then filter the output and copy the results. Here is a tested script that does just that:
@echo off
set "fromPath=F:\_QA\Private"
set "destinationPath=F:\_QA\Zips"
if not exist "%destinationPath%" mkdir "%destinationPath%"
:: The findstr is to filter a case-sensitive "Win", as the dir command
:: is always case-insensitive. Feel free to remove that part.
for /f "delims=" %%A in ('dir "%fromPath%\*Win*.zip" /b /s ^| findstr /r /c:"\\[^^\\]*Win[^^\\]*.zip$"') do (
echo Copying "%%A"...
copy /y "%%A" "%destinationPath%" > NUL
echo Complete!
First we find all zip files recursively in that folder, then we filter the output with a the following regex expression:
This filters only zip files with Win in the name.
See dir and findstr for more details regarding those commands.