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I am having problem reversing doubly linked list

I am learning linked lists and was doing a question which asks you to reverse a doubly linked list. My code works perfectly fine but I don't understand how. You can ignore whole thing except the reverse_list function. As you can see, in the while loop the condition is ptr->next != NULL. This condition shouldn't let me reach the last node until the very end operation ptr = ptr->prev, which means no other operation inside that while loop should be performed in the last node.

By that logic ptr->prev must be still pointing to 2nd last node (or you can say 2nd node after reversing) when it should be NULL. I don't understand why even though it isn't properly reversed, it gives correct answer.

// reverse a double linked list
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

typedef struct node
    struct node *prev;
    int data;
    struct node *next;
} st;

void print(st *head)
    while (head)
        printf("%d ", head->data);
        head = head->next;

void add_node(st *head, int data)
    st *ptr = malloc(sizeof(st));
    ptr->data = data;
    ptr->next = NULL;
    while (head->next)
        head = head->next;
    head->next = ptr;

st *reverse_list(st *head)
    st *ptr = head->next;
    head->next = NULL;
    while (ptr->next != NULL)
        head->prev = ptr;
        ptr->prev  =ptr->next;
        ptr->next = head;
        head = ptr;
        ptr = ptr->prev;
    ptr->next = head;;
    head = ptr;
    return head;

int main()
    st *head = malloc(sizeof(st));
    head->prev = NULL;
    head->data = 12;
    head->next = NULL;

    add_node(head, 22);
    add_node(head, 1);
    add_node(head, 24);
    add_node(head, 45);

    printf("before reverse\n");

    head = reverse_list(head);
    printf("\nafter reverse\n");

    return 0;
// here is the output

before reverse
12 22 1 24 45 
after reverse
45 24 1 22 12 


  • There are multiple problems:

    • void add_node(st *head, int data) does not properly construct a doubly linked list: it should take a pointer to the head pointer in the caller's scope, special case the first node, and set ptr->next to point to the previous node in the list.

    • reverse_list has undefined behavior if the list is empty (head == NULL) or if it has a single element (head->next == NULL).

    • the print function iterates along the next pointers, but it does not check that the prev pointers are correct. The program produces the expected output for the simple 4 element test case, but the prev links are incorrect in both the constructed list and its reversed version.

    Here is a modified version:

    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    typedef struct node {
        struct node *prev;
        struct node *next;
        int data;
    } st;
    void print(const char *msg, const st *head) {
        printf("%s", msg);
        while (head) {
            printf(" %d", head->data);
            head = head->next;
    st *add_node(st **headp, int data) {
        st *ptr = malloc(sizeof(st));
        if (ptr == NULL)
            return NULL;
        ptr->data = data;
        ptr->prev = NULL;
        ptr->next = NULL;
        if (*headp == NULL) {
            return *headp = ptr;
        } else {
            st *last = *headp;
            while (last->next) {
                last = last->next;
            ptr->prev = last;
            return last->next = ptr;
    st *reverse_list(st *head) {
        // iterate on the list, swapping the next and prev links
        for (st *node = head; node; node = node->prev) {
            st *next = node->next;
            node->next = node->prev;
            node->prev = next;
            head = node;
        return head;
    void free_list(st **headp) {
        for (st *node = *headp; node;) {
            st *next = node->next;
            node = next;
        *headp = NULL;
    int main(void)
        st *head = NULL;
        add_node(&head, 12);
        add_node(&head, 22);
        add_node(&head, 1);
        add_node(&head, 24);
        add_node(&head, 45);
        print("before reverse: ", head);
        head = reverse_list(head);
        print("after reverse:  ", head);
        return 0;


    before reverse:  12 22 1 24 45
    after reverse:   45 24 1 22 12