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How to disable scrolling in ScrollViewer in AvaloniaUI?

I am using MapControl(MapsUI) in ScrollViewer in my AvaloniaUI 11.0.5. app. I need to disable scrolling in ScrollViewer while pointer is in MapControll. I have tried this code but it did not work:


<ScrollViewer Name="mainPanel">
<Panel PointerEntered="disableScroll" PointerExited="enableScroll" Name="MapBox" /> //here is MapControl added later in code
///some very big stuff here like Panels, TextBoxes, Images etc.


private void disableScroll(object o, PointerEventArgs e)
    mainPanel.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = Avalonia.Controls.Primitives.ScrollBarVisibility.Disabled;

private void enableScroll(object o, PointerEventArgs e)
    mainPanel.VerticalScrollBarVisibility = Avalonia.Controls.Primitives.ScrollBarVisibility.Auto;

Maybe is there some pre-scroll event? Any ideas please?


  • After very long time I found a solution.

    I created function:

    private void MapControl_PointerWheelChanged(object sender, PointerWheelEventArgs e)
        e.Handled = true;

    and and assigned it to MapControl in axaml:

    <avalonia:MapControl Name="Map" PointerWheelChanged="MapControl_PointerWheelChanged"/>

    Now I can zoom in and out the Map without scrolling the ScrollViewer at the same time.