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How to refresh parent component when child component returns

I have a simple react-native application using @react-navigation/native for screen navigation.

The app consists of two components : MyVideoList and MyVideo

MyVideoList displays a list of videos, one of them is marked as current based on lastViewed field, and has a green background.

Let's say I have 4 videos :

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4

and Video1 is current. Now I tap Video 2, Video 2 starts to play.

When Video 2 finishes to play, I use navigation.goBack to go back to MyVideoList, at this moment, Video 1 is still marked as current (green). I want to refresh MyVideoList so that Video 2 (which has the most recent lastViewed field now) is marked green.

What I tried :

  1. Use props to pass a callback from MyVideoList to MyVideo. but got error : WARN Non-serializable values were found in the navigation state.

  2. Use redux, with error : ERROR Error: Invalid hook call. Hooks can only be called inside of the body of a function component.

What other approaches can I try ?


  • Instead of passing a callback, pass the status parameter and update it in the details screen. Something like this:

    React.useEffect(() => {
      if (route.params?.video) {
        // TODO video played
    }, [route.params?.video]);
    navigation.navigate('MyVideo', { video: { id: 2, played: false } }) = true
      name: 'MyVideoList',
      params: route.params,
      merge: true,

    See Passing params to a previous screen for details.