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Equivalent of printf %g flag for stream output (e.g. for std::cout)?

If I need to print a floating point number x I normally use printf("%g", x) as this is the simplest and the most convenient, for me, way to output floating point number in human-readable format where possible and automatically switch to exponential form for too large or too small values.

With std::cout and similar output streams it is not that simple. Say, I have class point_2d which overloads operator<< without changing stream's settings. E.g.:

ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const point_2d& p)
    os << '(' << p.x << "; " << p.y << ')';
    return os;

If I do

std::cout << point_2d_instance << std::endl;

the output will be in whatever format was set for std::cout by this point.

I cannot change operator<< implementation and I do not know the current state of std::cout. Which flags should I set in std::cout to get an equivalent of

printf("(%g; %g)", p.x, p.y);


  • Equivalent of printf %g flag for stream output (e.g. for std::cout)?

    std::defaultfloat or the default.

    the output will be in whatever format was set for std::cout by this point.

    If you depend on a particular format when working with streams operator, you should store the flags set on the stream, set your own flags, then restore original flags.

    #include <iostream>
    #include <ios>
    using namespace std;
    struct point_2d { double x; double y; };
    ostream& operator<<(ostream& os, const point_2d& p) {
        std::ios::fmtflags oldflags(os.flags());
        os << std::defaultfloat << '(' << p.x << "; " << p.y << ')';
        return os;
    int main() {
        std::cout << point_2d{0.1, 0.000000001} << '\n';