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Flutter Ios prevent screenshot

I'm blocking screenshots and video records for ios in my app. But when I installed the latest update ios rejected it.

We noticed that your app shows a custom screenshot-initiated interface when the user takes a screenshot, but the interface duplicates the iOS system-provided screenshot interface and functionality.

Duplicating system-provided interfaces does not provide the simple, innovative, and easy to use experience App Store users expect.

This is rejected message.

This is my code

      extension UIWindow {
  func makeSecure() {
      let field = UITextField()
      field.isSecureTextEntry = true
      field.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.centerYAnchor).isActive = true
      field.centerXAnchor.constraint(equalTo: self.centerXAnchor).isActive = true

How to I solve it


  • Now there's an opportunity to block screen recording in iOS through flutter plugin.

    For iOS:

    1. add the flutter plugin called flutter_prevent_screen_capture to your


    then run flutter pub get.

    1. Define variables like below:
    ///Define a streamSubscription in order to receive changes
      late StreamSubscription<bool> _screenRecordsSubscription;
      ///Get the instance of plugin for multiple use.
      FlutterPreventScreenCapture preventScreenCapture =
      ///is Recording is set to false initially.
      bool isRecording = false;
    1. initialize variables in initstate method:
    updateRecordStatus(bool record) {
       isRecording = record;
       setState(() {});
     void initState() {
       ///Though listening to the screen record, it is recommended to check the screen record status on the first launch.
       ///Initialize screenRecordSubscription to regularly listen to the changes
       _screenRecordsSubscription =

    So you can listen to the screen recording status.

    If you want to check the screen recording status once:

     Future<void> checkScreenRecord() async {
        final recordStatus = await preventScreenCapture.checkScreenRecord();
        debugPrint('Is screen being recorded: $recordStatus');
        isRecording = recordStatus;
        setState(() {});

    The last thing is don't forget to cancel subscription in dispose method:

      dispose() {