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Album Art now visible in Android 11

My android application works fine till Android 9 but is failing to show thumbnails for music files in Android 11.

In the logs I'm receiving UnsupportedOperationException: Unknown or unsupported URL error message with the value of thumbnail uri as content://media/external/audio/albumart/-1850834839 & content://media/external/audio/albumart/1937535873.

Code Pointer :

        .transform(new BlurTransformation(mContext)).into(viewHolder.blurredImage);

I checked & found there have been multiple changes introduced between Android 9 & 11. Some of them are :

  1. Introduction of Scoped Storage from Android 10 : Now App's can't directly access external files without having necessary permissions like MANAGE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE mentioned here. Although developers can exempt from this by setting preserveLegacyExternalStorage to true in manifest file
  2. album_art has been depreciated from Android 29 & one should use loadThumbnail api instead
  3. I was using Glide & found there were some issue seen with Glide itself

I tried above resolutions but none of them worked for me.


  • I finally found the reason for the strange behaviour seen for my application in Android 11.

    So, I tried printing the values of music albums stored in the database/MediaStore using

    adb shell content query --uri "content://media/external/audio/media"

    And I found the value of album_id field is too small (like 2,4,18) on Android 9 but while printing same data on android 11 the value was too large & could be stored by a int data type. Hence, the value was getting overflown resulting in negative values of album_id (-1850834839) as mentioned in the question. So, I modified the variable data type from int to long & it resolved the issue for me.