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(MATLAB) ALL integer positive solutions for a linear equation

I want to generate a list, named listt, that contains all possible positive integers that sum into a specific number d. For example, I am looking at the list of all the possible positive integer values for x's such that x1 + x2 + ... + xk = d.

In this case, the row size of listt should be (d+k-1) choose (k-1).

I already have the MATLAB code for doing that (see below), but the main problem is that this code allows repetitive rows in listt. I need help in order to change this code suth that there are no repetitive rows in listt.

k = 2;
d = 2;
m = nchoosek(d+k-1, k-1);

% generate non-negative integer random (m x k) array row-sum to d 
[~,r] = maxk(ss,k-1,2);
z = zeros(m,1);
listt = diff([z, sort(r,2), (d+k)+z],1,2)-1;

Let's say d=5 and k=2. Assume I get the following listt:

 1     4
 2     3
 0     5
 5     0
 5     0
 0     5

So as you can see, the row (5,0) and row (0,5) are repeated two times each. I want to get unique rows.

More precisely, for d=5 and k=2, what do I want to get exactly is the following all 6 possibilities:

 1     4
 2     3
 0     5
 5     0
 4     1
 3     2

Any help will be very appreciated!


  • Let d denote the desired sum and k the number of components.

    d = 5; % desired sum
    k = 2; % desired number of components
    b = nchoosek(1:d+k-1, k-1);
    t = [ones(size(b,1),1) b+1 repmat(d+k+1, size(b,1),1)];
    result = diff(t, [], 2)-1;

    The code works by representing each solution as a row vector containing k+1 increasing integers starting at 1 and ending at d+k+1 (matrix t in the code). The k-1 inner integers are generated using nchoosek. The actual solution is then obtained from the k consecutive differences between those integers.

    For example, the matrix t for inputs d=5 and k=2 is

    1     2     8
    1     3     8
    1     4     8
    1     5     8
    1     6     8
    1     7     8

    which gives the result

    0     5
    1     4
    2     3
    3     2
    4     1
    5     0