I'm trying to implement this code, based on this solution: R function to remove nodes from a network one by one and outputting the largest connected component
g <- graph.data.frame(ws, directed=TRUE)
V(g)$names <- paste0("v", 1:length(V(g))) #assign unique name
testbet <- function(g){
n <- length(V(g))
mat <- matrix(ncol=2,nrow=n, 0)
mat[,1] <- V(g)$names #add vertex name to matrix
bet <- betweenness(g)
mat[,2] <- bet
matri <- mat[order(mat[,2], decreasing = TRUE),]
g2 <- g
for(i in 1:(n-1)){
g2 <- delete.vertices(g2, v=which(V(g2)$names==matri[i,1])) #index by name
maxcsize2 <- max(clusters(g2)$csize)
df<-as.data.frame(cbind(matri, c(clustersizes, NA)))
names(df)<-c("vertex_removed", "betweenness", "maxcsize")
Prior to running this, I define vertice names by
countrycodes <- get.data.frame(g, what= c("vertices"))
I would like to find a way to adding back these names to df
Reproducible example:
ws <- structure(list(Reporter.Countries = c("Estonia", "Estonia", "Latvia",
"Uruguay", "Mexico", "Russian Federation", "Lithuania", "China, mainland",
"Lithuania", "Russian Federation"), Partner.Countries = c("Algeria",
"Angola", "Algeria", "Algeria", "Algeria", "Afghanistan", "Algeria",
"Afghanistan", "Angola", "Albania"), Value = c(27150.02, 29001.82,
57940, 31498.1, 298765.27, 42, 48250, 2564, 41255.03, 143249.35
)), row.names = c(NA, 10L), class = "data.frame")
Quick fix
ws <- structure(list(Reporter.Countries = c("Estonia", "Estonia", "Latvia",
"Uruguay", "Mexico", "Russian Federation", "Lithuania", "China, mainland",
"Lithuania", "Russian Federation"), Partner.Countries = c("Algeria",
"Angola", "Algeria", "Algeria", "Algeria", "Afghanistan", "Algeria",
"Afghanistan", "Angola", "Albania"), Value = c(27150.02, 29001.82,
57940, 31498.1, 298765.27, 42, 48250, 2564, 41255.03, 143249.35
)), row.names = c(NA, 10L), class = "data.frame")
g <- graph.data.frame(ws, directed=TRUE)
V(g)$names <- paste0("v", 1:length(V(g))) #assign unique name
testbet <- function(g){
n <- length(V(g))
mat <- matrix(ncol=3,nrow=n, 0) # <<<<<<<<<<<
mat[,1] <- V(g)$names #add vertex name to matrix
bet <- betweenness(g)
mat[,2] <- bet
mat[,3] <- V(g)$name # <<<<<<<<<<<
matri <- mat[order(mat[,2], decreasing = TRUE),]
g2 <- g
for(i in 1:(n-1)){
g2 <- delete.vertices(g2, v=which(V(g2)$names==matri[i,1])) #index by name
maxcsize2 <- max(clusters(g2)$csize)
df<-as.data.frame(cbind(matri, c(clustersizes, NA)))
names(df)<-c("vertex_removed", "betweenness", "Cn", "maxcsize") #<<<<<<<<<<<<
df <- testbet(g)