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Twilio link shortening and SSL certificate: One or more domains inside SAN cert is not verified in the organisation SID

I renewed a SSL certificate with RapidSSL to use with Twilio Link Shortener. The whole thing was working properly until yesterday where I tried to update the certificate, a few days in advance from the expiry.

I downloaded the .pem certificate from RapidSSL and the private key. As the private key was not in PKCS#8 format, I had to convert it, like this:

openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -in rsa.key -out pkcs8.key -nocrypt

Now, when trying to upload the certificate and the private key to twilio, I have the following error message:

One or more domains inside SAN cert is not verified in the organisation SID

I looked into the certificate file like this:

openssl x509 -in certificate.pem -noout -text | grep "Subject: CN"

It gives me:


Which domain is obviously validated in the organisation SID. I tried to re upload the former certificate as it will expire only in 10 days (to avoid production disruption) and disaster, I get the same error message.

Am I doing something wrong ? Can anyone make sense of this error message ? I contacted twill's support with no luck so far (they are us based, I'm in the EU, I'd like to avoid wasting a week of back and forth due to tz)

Thanks in advance for the much appreciated help


  • Well, turned out it was an issue on Twilio's side. Their support just fixed it. I uploaded again the exact same files and all went well...