I have a parent component with a reactive form including controls and a from group.
When choosing playerType dropdown I am adding to the fromGroup a formArray. The new form array will consits of 2 form groups or 3 depending on playerType.
Let say a user created a Player and choose playerType = "Mage", then I need to create a new "skills" formArray inside configuration formGroup.
Example below - base form:
public PlayerForm: PlayerFormGroup = this.fb.group(
id: null,
name: null,
life: 100,
playerType: null,
configuration: this.fb.group({
playerAllies: null
weapons: []
) as PlayerFormGroup;
So now the player is created and new formArray is added.
Look like this:
public PlayerForm: PlayerFormGroup = this.fb.group(
id: 1,
name: UserMage1,
life: 100,
playerType: 2,
configuration: this.fb.group({
playerAllies: null
weapons: [],
skills: [mageSkills:[name:'', power:null, duration:0]]
) as PlayerFormGroup;
-> It will look like:
name: 'UserMage1',
playerType: 2,
[playerAllies: null,
skills:mageSkills:[0:{ name: 'someName', power:'fire', duration:2 }, 1:{ name: 'teleport', power:'dark', duration:4 }] ]
So, I am having trouble on saving the Power and Duration.
Parent TS:
public getSkillDetails(skillName: string): SkillView{
// from child-component-configure, on selecting get the selected skill name and pass
// it to child-component-view-Skill-details (using event emitter)
return this.skillsArray.find((skill) => skill.name === skillName);
Parent HTML:
<parent-component [formGroup]="PlayerForm" (submit)="playerForm.submit()">
<input matInput formControlName="name">
<input matInput formControlName="life">
<input matInput formControlName="playerType">
<child-component-configure *ngIf="PlayerForm.control.playerType.value != null"
[selectedSkill] = "skill"> (event emitter to pass selected skill name)
<child-component-view-Skill-details [skillSelected] = "skill">
</child-component-view-Skill-details [value]="getSkillDetails(this.selectedSkill)">
<input matInput formControlName="allies">
<input matInput formControlName="weapons">
<input matInput formControlName="weapons">
<input formControlName="power">
<div class="slider-text">
Above code is an abstraction of the code.
I want to find a way to change duration and power and update/pass the values to base form.
Currently creating is ok but, on updating Power and Timeout are always null and 0.
If there is any more info I can provide please let me know.
if you want update formGroup, you can do like this
your code
public PlayerForm: PlayerFormGroup = this.fb.group(
id: 1,
name: UserMage1,
life: 100,
playerType: 2,
configuration: this.fb.group({
playerAllies: null
weapons: [],
skills: [mageSkills:[name:'', power:null, duration:0]]
) as PlayerFormGroup;
this works!
PlayerForm = this.fb.group({
id: new FormControl(1),
name: new FormControl(userMage1),
life: new FormControl(100),
playerType: new FormControl(2),
configuration: new FormGroup({
playerAllies: new FormControl(null),
weapons: new FormArray([]),
skills: new FormArray([
new FormGroup({
mageSkills: new FormArray([new FormGroup({
name: new FormControl(''),
power: new FormControl(null),
duration: new FormControl(0)
updatePlayer() {
const form = this.PlayerForm.get('configuration').get('skills') as FormArray;
const formArr = form.controls[0].get('mageSkills') as FormArray;
const formMageSkills = formArr.controls[0]