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How to use each date from database as table headers in laravel blade

In my database i have table called signal with this structure

Id date status name
1 2/12/2023 1 ben
2 2/12/2023 1 john
3 3/12/2023 1 peter
4 3/12/2023 1 love
5 3/12/2023 1 sad
6 4/12/2023 1 water
7 4/12/2023 1 tom
8 5/12/2023 1 jerry
9 5/12/2023 1 hen
10 5/12/2023 1 bete

From my controller i have gotten the needed data $history = Signal::where('status', 1)->paginate(getPaginate(7));

I can show the value on a table normally but what i want is

for each date, create a table with that date as the header just like the tables below

id name
1 ben
2 john
id name
3 peter
4 love
5 sad
id name
6 water
7 tom

I have tried to make a normal table but i don't know how to do this with dynamic headers


  • You can use Laravel's groupBy() method, like this:

    $results = Signal::where('status', 1)

    This will return all the results grouped by the same date, in a format:

    results = [
        date1 => [
        date2 => [

    Then in blade, you can loop through these results like this:

    @foreach ($results as $date => $items)
        <p>Date: {{$date}}</p>
            @foreach ($items as $item)

    Note: Table layout not tested, but you get the general idea.