enter image description hereI have calculated ratio of distinct values from same col in power bi by using new measure, after calculating it I have put that result in card it is not showing result correctly
I have calculated the ratio of distinct values from same column by using some formulae
// 1
DistinctValuesCount = COUNTROWS(CALCULATETABLE(VALUES('YourTableName'[DistinctValues])))
// 2
TotalDistinctValuesCount = COUNTROWS('YourTableName')
// 3
DistinctValuesRatio = DIVIDE([DistinctValuesCount], [TotalDistinctValuesCount])
and at the end of calculation, after I put that result in card, its not giving me any count its giving me the 2.54E-5 what does it mean as image is showing the result of calculated ratio, so where am going wrong ?
I'm assuming you want the percentage of a Blood group.
Create a new measure with:
Overall % =
CALCULATE( COUNTROWS('YourTableName'), ALL('YourTableName') )
Then under Measure tools
tab in the ribbon, click on the %
and choose how many decimal places you want.
Now use this in your card. It should show 100% since no Blood Group has been selected. Now click on a row in your Matrix, and the card should update with the % of that Blood Group.