I have a series of CloudRun jobs defined in Terraform (see an example below). In the Google Console UI, I can create Scheduler Triggers to run these jobs like they're cron jobs. Looking over the docs, I don't see a way to define these scheduler triggers using Terraform.
Is there a way / has anyone figured out how to define scheduler triggers for CloudRun jobs using Terraform? If so, would you mind sharing what you did?
resource "google_cloud_run_v2_job" "alltickersfinancials" {
name = "tf-alltickersfinancials"
location = "us-west1"
template {
template {
containers {
image = "us-west1-docker.pkg.dev/myproject/arapbi/arapbi:latest"
args = ["all_financials"]
resources {
limits = {
cpu = 1
memory = "2Gi"
env {
value_source {
secret_key_ref {
secret = "polygon"
version = "latest"
timeout = "900s"
service_account = "myaccount@myproject.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
lifecycle {
ignore_changes = [
There's an example terraform configuration in the official documentation.
In your case a basic example would be something like this:
resource "google_cloud_scheduler_job" "default" {
name = "alltickersfinancials"
schedule = "*/8 * * * *"
http_target {
http_method = "POST"
uri = "https://${google_cloud_run_v2_job.alltickersfinancials.location}-run.googleapis.com/apis/run.googleapis.com/v1/namespaces/${data.google_project.project.number}/jobs/tf-alltickersfinancials:run"
oauth_token {
service_account_email = "myaccount@myproject.iam.gserviceaccount.com"
depends_on = [