In a cypress test case I use this line of code and cypress throws an error message that I do not understand. No idea what to do. Any idea? Any solution possible?
const months = [
'JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR', 'APR', 'MAY', 'JUN', 'JUL', 'AUG', 'SEP', 'OCT', 'NOV', 'DEC'
// Create an object to store the values dynamically
const values = {};
// Use a loop to iterate over each month
months.forEach((month, index) => {
cy.get('.tabele1 > tbody > tr.table_row3 > td:nth-child(1)').each(($e1, rowIndex, $list) => {
var titletext = $e1.text();
if (titletext.includes('Some Headline Text')) {
cy.get(`.table1 > tbody > tr.table_row3 > td:nth-child(${index + 2})`).eq(rowIndex).then(function (amount) {
// Dynamically store values in the object
values[`valueMA_${month}1`] = amount.text().trim();
// Example assertions in a loop
months.forEach((month, index) => {
expect (values[`valueMA_${month}1`]).to.equal('400');
Cypress error message:
expected undefined to equal '400'
The error refers to this line of code:
expect (values[`valueMA_${month}1`]).to.equal('400');
What is wrong with the code? I do not see it ...
Thank you very much!
Move ,
expect (values[valueMA_${month}1]).to.equal('400');
Into your previous forEach() function, as below
cy.get('.table1 > tbody > tr.table_row3 > td:nth-child(${index + 2})).eq(rowIndex).then(function (amount) { expect(amount.text().trim()).to.equal('400'); });
Hope this helps