I am trying to apply the checkerframework plugin (But I assume it can be any plugin) lazily to my java sub projects. The subproject have several projects of which more than 1 are java projects.
My build.gradle.kts file:
plugins {
id("org.checkerframework") version "0.6.36"
subprojects {
if (file("src/main/java").isDirectory) {
apply(plugin = "org.checkerframework")
checkerFramework {
checkers = listOf("org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.NullnessChecker")
If I run a .\gradlew.bat build --scan
I can see that the checkerframework tasks are not created lazily. I can see 8 tasks is created.
I tried to change this to the below:
plugins {
id("org.checkerframework") version "0.6.36"
subprojects {
tasks.withType<JavaCompile>().configureEach {
apply(plugin = "org.checkerframework")
checkerFramework {
checkers = listOf("org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.NullnessChecker")
But it gives me errors in subprojects
Could not determine the dependencies of task ':mysubproject1:jar'.
> Could not create task ':mysubproject1:compileJava'.
> Failed to apply plugin 'org.checkerframework'.
> DefaultTaskCollection#configureEach(Action) on task set cannot be executed in the current context.
What is the correct way to apply tasks lazily?
By applying "lazily", I think you mean: "how do I only apply a plugin in subprojects which are Java subprojects?"
The answer to that is to write:
subprojects {
pluginManager.withPlugin("java-base") {
// Apply Java-dependent plugin