I created a 3D bottle with Blender that I intend to embed in a website via three.js. The bottle is supposed to rotate and I might end up using the OrbitControls, so it needs to look okay from all sides.
I'm familiar with the basics and most of it already works.
However I have trouble with the "label" on the bottle. There is a mesh cylinder "around" the bottle that holds the decal image. The decal shows fine when the camera is looking at it from below.
e.g. with camera settings:
position: [0, -0.45, 8],
rotation: [0.07, 0, 0],
However when the camera looks on it from above, the decal ends up "behind" the bottle. e.g. with camera settings:
position: [0, 1, 8],
rotation: [-0.11, 0, 0],
It also observable when moving the camera up and down with the OrbitalControls.
I added a MWE on CodeSandBox
The decal mesh is far enough from the bottle so that z-fighting isn't the issue. I already tried to increase the diameter of the decal mesh, and even with a real big diameter of the decal mesh, there is the same problem.
I think the problem might be the way three.js calculates which item (bottle <> mesh with decal) is closer to the camera, since both meshes have a similar center. But I cannot figure about how to fix it.
Set render order property to 1, looks fine now.