I want to keep track of different machines to be able to configure different proxys for each machine.
How can I set a new machine as Podman's default machine?
In the documentation there is podman machine init myvm
to create a new machine but couldn't find any refence on how to access it.
I searched a lot to try to find this already, but no tutorial mention this, as it's kind of a uncommon use case.
After a lot of effort and investigation, found this:
podman system connection default <name>
This will set the default machine to the desired name.
I also recommend checking the list before selecting the machine, as there are rootful and rootless options:
podman system connection list
Name URI Identity Default
podman-machine-default ssh://user@ <User>\.ssh\podman-machine-default false
podman-machine-default-root ssh://root@ <User>\.ssh\podman-machine-default false
If you don't want to change the default machine, you can also use the -c
flag before the command to specify another machine:
podman -c myvm images