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Why larastan raise errors on array parameter definitions?

After I set in phpstan.neon parameter :

level: 7

I got errors :

30     Method App\Rules\ItemModelRules::getValidationRulesArray() has parameter $skipFieldsArray with no value type specified in iterable type array.
💡 See:
30     Method App\Rules\ItemModelRules::getValidationRulesArray() return type has no value type specified in iterable type array.
💡 See:
61     Method App\Rules\ItemModelRules::getValidationMessagesArray() return type has no value type specified in iterable type array.
💡 See:

On a file with code:


namespace App\Rules;

use App\Enums\ItemPriority;
use App\Enums\ItemStatus;
use App\Models\Item;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Illuminate\Validation\Rule;

Class-container for rules/messages of items validation

class ItemModelRules
     return validation rules array for item model
      @param int - $itemId - ID of item
      * which fields must be skipped from array
      @param array<string> $skipFieldsArray
      * @returns array<string, string>
    public static function getValidationRulesArray(int $itemId = null, array $skipFieldsArray = []): array  // THAT is where 1st and 2nd errors are pointing
        $itemTable = (new Item)->getTable();
        $validationRulesArray = [
            'parent_id' => 'nullable|exists:' . $itemTable . ',id',
            'description' => 'string|required',
        foreach ($skipFieldsArray as $field) {
            if (!empty($validationRulesArray[$field])) {
                $validationRulesArray = Arr::except($validationRulesArray, $field);

        return $validationRulesArray;

     * Returns custom Messages for validation errors
      * @returns array<string, string>
    public static function getValidationMessagesArray(): array   // THAT is where 3rd errors are pointing
        return [
            'parent_id.invalid' => 'Parent Id is invalid. Must be valid reference to items table',
            'user_id.invalid' => 'User Id is invalid. Must be valid reference to users table',

I read refereced help and seems I used proper syntax in methods definition... How that can be fixed ?

"laravel/framework": "^10.34.2",
"nunomaduro/larastan": "^2.6.4",


I remade file App\Rules\ItemModelRules like :

class ItemModelRules

 * @param int - $itemId - ID of item
 * which fields must be skipped from array
 * @param array<int, string> $skipFieldsArray
 * @return array<string, string>
    public static function getValidationRulesArray(int $itemId = null, array $skipFieldsArray = []): array
        $itemTable = (new Item)->getTable();
        $validationRulesArray = [
            'parent_id' => 'nullable|exists:' . $itemTable . ',id',
            'description' => 'string|required',
        foreach ($skipFieldsArray as $field) {
            if ( ! empty($validationRulesArray[$field])) {
                $validationRulesArray = Arr::except($validationRulesArray, $field);

        return $validationRulesArray;

  * Returns custom Messages for validation errors
  * @return array<string, string>
    public static function getValidationMessagesArray(): array
        return [
            'parent_id.invalid' => 'Parent Id is invalid. Must be valid reference to items table',
            'user_id.invalid' => 'User Id is invalid. Must be valid reference to users table',

But anyway I got similar errors pointing at declaration of my methods...

Line   ItemModelRules.php
------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
29     Method App\Rules\ItemModelRules::getValidationRulesArray() has parameter $skipFieldsArray with no value type specified in iterable type array.
         💡 See:
  29     Method App\Rules\ItemModelRules::getValidationRulesArray() return type has no value type specified in iterable type array.
         💡 See:
  60     Method App\Rules\ItemModelRules::getValidationMessagesArray() return type has no value type specified in iterable type array.
         💡 See:
Did I miss something ?

Thanks in advance!


  • The return issue is that you are using @returns but not @return. @return is only valid:

    The other error, if I am not confused, is that you did not specify a key and value, but just value.

    So, your final PHPDoc should be like this:

     * @param int $itemId ID of item
     * @param array<int, string> $skipFieldsArray which fields must be skipped from array
     * @return array<string, string>
     * Returns custom Messages for validation errors
     * @return array<string, string>