I am a fairly beginner user of PowerBI and still learning the ropes about DAX / PowerQuery. I have a column called "Time Usage" that has the time in text format: "1d 10h 25min", "2h 1d 30min", "5m 2h 3d" - a bit inconsistent.
What is the best way to calculate the total number of minutes? One solution I can think of is splitting the column in PowerQuery by a space delimiter and using nested IF/SWITCH statements in DAX, however this seems inefficient.
Thanks for you help!
Add a new Custom Column, and enter this formula:
txt = " " & [Time Usage] & " ",
dd = Text.Select(List.Last(Text.Split(Text.BetweenDelimiters(txt, " ", "d"), " ")), {"0".."9"}),
hh = Text.Select(List.Last(Text.Split(Text.BetweenDelimiters(txt, " ", "h"), " ")), {"0".."9"}),
mm = Text.Select(List.Last(Text.Split(Text.BetweenDelimiters(txt, " ", "m"), " ")), {"0".."9"}),
ss = Text.Select(List.Last(Text.Split(Text.BetweenDelimiters(txt, " ", "s"), " ")), {"0".."9"}),
dur = #duration(Number.From(dd)??0, Number.From(hh)??0, Number.From(mm)??0, Number.From(ss)??0),
tm = Duration.TotalMinutes(dur)
This will support days, hours, minutes, and seconds - provided in full or in parts, and in any order.