I want to login to Keycloak with Node. My Keycloak instance runs on a container in a virtual machine. I am using the following code:
const axios = require('axios');
function loginToKeycloak(username, password, clientId, realmName) {
const keycloakUrl = 'https://<ip of my virtual machine>:8443/auth/realms/';
const tokenEndpoint = `${keycloakUrl}${realmName}/protocol/openid-connect/token`;
const data = {
grant_type: 'password',
client_id: clientId,
axios.post(tokenEndpoint, new URLSearchParams(data), {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
httpsAgent: new (require('https').Agent)({ rejectUnauthorized: false }), // Ignore self-signed certificate
.then((response) => {
console.log('Login successful');
console.log('Access Token:', response.data.access_token);
.catch((error) => {
console.error('Login failed:', error.response ? error.response.data : error.message);
loginToKeycloak('myUser', 'myPassword!', 'myClient', 'myRealm');
The problem is that I get the following error:
'RESTEASY003210: Could not find resource for full path: https://<ip of my virtual machine>:8443/auth/realms/realm1/protocol/openid-connect/token'
If I type
https://<ip of my virtual machine>:8443/
in the searchbar of my browser I can view Keyclock's home page. So apparently the address is correct.
The problem was the substring "auth", that must be removed. Therefore this line:
const keycloakUrl = 'https://<ip of my virtual machine>:8443/auth/realms/';
must be replaced with
const keycloakUrl = 'https://<ip of my virtual machine>:8443/realms/';