(EDIT: Just found this: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/20711)
Here's sample log files being used for input:
18545E9BB9BC5669B755FA080327654EBDF6D49E6356FE24EEA774B282925BFB \steamapps\appmanifest_1036890.acf 798 20230919_003055
E7D827A9819C00492D48CA6C5086ACB7B9DB23E21C43CD4A76668878ACF21484 \steamapps\appmanifest_1046030.acf 793 20231124_005300
442175C0E8F340DDA951C94CFEE503A227645234C23820CC921E7AB71AEFCF69 \steamapps\appmanifest_1086410.acf 762 20230413_034326
BC93D12F756BDE996671C728293756F1DE8CD4B27C0DA623885592E1EC462009 \steamapps\appmanifest_1091500.acf 925 20231026_112000
9D0A9B7E826128B02C3504C554D2965DF65E0A91056200D7B275875FFEEDEC49 \steamapps\appmanifest_1151640.acf 901 20230512_235832
BC93D12F756BDE996671C728293756F1DE8CD4B27C0DA623885592E1EC46200? \steamapps\{appmanifest_1091500}.acf 925 20231026_112000
9D0A9B7E826128B02C3504C554D2965DF65E0A91056200D7B275875FFEEDEC49 \steamapps\appmanifest_1151640.acf 901 20230512_235832
7B62186E313EFEA918599B049B1C1B22E3875C5CE542BDC50DB4BCF118397D66 \steamapps\appmanifest_1153640.acf 824 20230713_005243
B47CA151C7542B3C2937626A3513509284E2DF2C34C392A37BF2CC88502D07A0 \steamapps\appmanifest_1164940.acf 828 20231108_120209
5CBE6C2DE7CC4954E7D423C9B75D0B59986673FC36A3CD398E3FB89ED0F8B28F \steamapps\appmanifest_1174180.acf 1420 20231121_211150
Here's the code:
$checksumlog1Content = Get-Content "checksumlog1.log" -Encoding UTF8 | Select -skip 1
$checksumlog2Content = Get-Content "checksumlog2.log" -Encoding UTF8 | Select -skip 1
$checksumlog1Objects = $checksumlog1Content | ForEach-Object {
$checksum = ($_ -Split ' ',2)[0]
$file = ((($_ -Split ' ',2)[1]) -split ' ' | select -skiplast 2) -join ' '
$sizedate = ($_ -Split ' ' | select -last 2) -join ' '
'Hash' = $checksum
'File' = $file
'SizeDate' = $sizedate
$checksumlog2Objects = $checksumlog2Content | ForEach-Object {
$checksum = ($_ -Split ' ',2)[0]
$file = ((($_ -Split ' ',2)[1]) -split ' ' | select -skiplast 2) -join ' '
$sizedate = ($_ -Split ' ' | select -last 2) -join ' '
'Hash' = $checksum
'File' = $file
'SizeDate' = $sizedate
$CompareLog1Log2Obj = Compare-Object $checksumlog1Objects $checksumlog2Objects -Property Hash,File,SizeDate -PassThru -IncludeEqual| ForEach-Object { $_ }
$nonMatchLog1Obj = $CompareLog1Log2Obj | Where-Object SideIndicator -eq '<='
$nonMatchLog2Obj = $CompareLog1Log2Obj | Where-Object SideIndicator -eq '=>'
$groupDiff = Compare-Object $nonMatchLog1Obj $nonMatchLog2Obj -IncludeEqual -Property Hash,File -PassThru | Group-Object File | Where-Object Count -ge 2
ForEach ($item in $groupdiff.Group) {
"$($item.Hash) $($item.File) $($item.SizeDate) $($item.SideIndicator)"
If the filename contains a curly bracket "{" or "}" (like I added in "checksumlog2.log" it throws an error:
Input string was not in a correct format. Failure to parse near offset 12. Expected an ASCII digit.
Is there a (hopefully simple) way to get this to accept those curly brackets? Thanks.
This appears to be an issue with current release PowerShell version 7.4.0. It is fixed with latest Release Candidate https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/issues/20711