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Clickhouse UPDATE Decimal(P,S) precision

diving into ClickHouse for my new DB setup.

Read UPDATE in ClickHouse, trying to keep it super minimal (<0.1% on 2 billion rows).

Here's the kicker: I'm trying to update a Decimal(19,5) field from 19.39999 to 19.4, but it's pulling a disappearing act. Any idea how to tweak settings to make it behave?

Or should I just go old school and delete-insert if the difference is < X? What's this mysterious X that's playing hard to get? Any intel from the documentation sleuths out there?

An Example:

CREATE TABLE TestTable (ID Int64, Name String, Value Float64, val Decimal(19,5), Date Date ) ENGINE = MergeTree() ORDER BY ID;

INSERT INTO TestTable (ID, Name, Value, val, Date) VALUES (1, 'John Doe', 42.5, 19.39999, '2023-01-01');

ALTER TABLE TestTable UPDATE val = 19.4 WHERE ID = 1

Query id: 0568d5fb-b182-4a3d-967d-910f2ecce942
│  1 │ John Doe │  42.5 │ 19.39999 │ 2023-01-01 │
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.001 sec. 


  • Untortunatelly 19.4 is float64 type value by defaultm which have internal representation related to IEE 754 AS 19.399999999(9) (in period), which will lose precision during conversion to Decimal, and show as 19.4 because it's a string during output

    Look details as a trick try to use

    ALTER TABLE TestTable UPDATE val = toDecimal32(toString(19.4),5) WHERE ID = 1