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Slow when stream video from supabase storage

I always get lag or buffer when playing video (size 28 Mb) from supabase storage in my mobile application. Every each lag can takes about 1 or 2 seconds, its not good for UX. I'm in free tier, if pro plan can resolve my problem, i will upgrade my subscription.

Can anyone explain what happened? or same experience as me?

Test in real devices : Samsung A50 and Realme 8

Connection speed ( :

  1. 215 ping to Los Angeles
  2. Download 16.4 Mbps
  3. Upload 24.5 Mbps


  • More than a week, and finally i can resolve it. It isn't about supabase server, device, internet speed or free tier, but the problem come from the "video".

    I change the bitrate of video to more lower using ffmpeg and it works.

    when converting a video for online streaming, a lower bitrate may help reduce load times.