I have to write the following haskell function:
It receives an Integer (let's call it
) and a list of Integers as parameters. It should iterate through the list, and increment the value of each element that is divisible by 2. Whenever it does this, it decrements the value ofh
by 1. It should repeat this process untilh
is 0. If it reaches the end of the list and the value ofh
is not zero, it should start the whole process all over again, until it does become 0. It should also work on infinite lists. In the following test case:inc_until 4 [1,2,3,4,5]
it should return[1,4,3,6,5]
I'm not allowed to use anything besides guards, pattern matching, and helper functions I have written myself.
inc_until :: Integer -> [Integer] -> [Integer]
inc_until _ [] = []
inc_until h (x:xs)
| x `mod` 2 == 0 = (x+1) : inc_until (h-1) xs
| otherwise = inc_until h xs
This only iterates through the list once, so it stops even when the value of h is not zero.
Analysis We have three scenarios to cope with:
of them (by +1
each), and return the tail untouched/not incremented. So decrementing the h
as we go avoids running down the list for ever.h
many evens; treat this same as the first case: increment the first h
evens, return the tail untouched/not incremented.h
evens: now it needs "distribute the value of h
evenly", see below ...Deviant scenarios [added in later edit]
many evens. This condition is not detectable in finite time/space, so the code here will run for ever/until resources are exhausted.First pass
for each one;h
declines to zero; or end of list.Second pass (This is the messy part.)
by that increment, and the count by -1
by the count and round up to give the increment for this element;h
left over to increment the rest by a rounded-down value)h
falls to be exactly divisible by the decrementing count, then increment the remaining evens by that exact quotient (which'll be 1
less than the rounded-up at the beginning).examples
inc_until 5 [1,2,3,4,5]
(count 2
evens) ==> [1,5,3,6,5]
take 17 $ inc_until 5 [1,2 ..]
==> [1,3,3,5,5,7,7,9,9,11,11,12,13,14,15,16,17]
module Inc_until where
inc_until :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
inc_until h xss = go h xss 0
go :: Int -> [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
go 0 _xss c = go2 h xss c -- exhausted h
go _h [] c = go2 h xss c -- end of list,
-- didn't exhaust h
go h (x:xs) c | even x = go (h - 1) xs (c + 1)
| otherwise = go h xs c
go2 :: Int -> [Int] -> Int -> [Int]
go2 0 xss _ = xss -- exhausted h
go2 h [] _ = [] -- shouldn't get here
go2 h xss 0 = xss -- shouldn't get here either
go2 h (x:xs) c | even x = let q = floor (fromIntegral h / fromIntegral c + 0.5)
in (x + q) : go2 (h - q) xs (c - 1)
| otherwise = x : go2 h xs c
For the first two scenarios, it would be fine to follow Daniel's approach of accumulating the incremented front of the list in reverse order; and return that if h
got exhausted;
anyway, the rounded quotient for (say) 3 / 3
comes out right as 1
, we can avoid creating the temp list.IMO the code is cleaner if pass 1 merely accum's the count of evens. [YMMV]
To get the count of evens, we can't merely filter/fold over the list: it might be infinite/there might be more than h
many evens.
In testing, I found the round
function was occasionally giving out-by-1 errors; hence the ugly business with floor
. Of course it's arbitrary whether you round up at the beginning vs. round down at the beginning until you've enough remainder to round up the trailing elements.
Heh heh even this short exercise shows how code changes as you explore what's left unsaid in the spec/typically bump into deviant/unanticipated scenarios -- and the code builds up a 'legacy' of sub-optimal (but not sufficiently bad to fix) cruft. Examples:
evenly"; then rounding down later.floor ( ... / ... + 0.5)
expression does the appropriate rounding automatically.go
using the prefix accumulator per Daniel's answer -- so the go 0 ...
equation (h
exhausted) would return immediately; and accumulating the count in parallel -- which is why go
has an over-complex accumulating logic.h
the quotient and rounding logic would work just as well for say 3 / 3
, so also called go2
and stripped out the accumulating prefix logic.go
merely counting the number of evens (or h
, whichever is the smaller) -- in which case carrying the count down the recursive descent is over-complex. Instead it could be: inc_until h xss = go2 h xss (count_evens h xss)
count_evens :: Int -> [Int] -> Int
count_evens 0 _xss = 0
count_evens _h [] = 0
count_evens h (x:xs) | even x = 1 + count_evens (h - 1) xs
| otherwise = count_evens h xs
-- go2 as above