I am new to Mulesoft and setting up my first Mulesoft project in Anypoint studio and seeing this error - Couldn't find configuration property value for key ${mule.env}
Can some one help me how to fix it?
Only solution mentioned in mulesoft website is to change the Run configuration. I changed it to some examples given and that didn't work. This is the current value under arguments in my Project's Run configuration
-M-XX:-UseBiasedLocking -M-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -M-XX:+UseG1GC -M-XX:+UseStringDeduplication
From the Anypoint Studio Run Configuration you can add the definition in the VM Arguments field as -M-Dmule.env=...
or -Dmule.env=...
. The -M
is mandatory to define properties for Mule from the command line but it is optional in Studio.
When you are running a standalone Mule Runtime you can define the property in the conf/wrapper.conf by adding a line like:
Note that NN
should be a number that is not used in other definitions in the file.
In Runtime Manager manager in the Settings tab you can add the property by name (mule.env
) and set its value in the UI.
For more options see the documentation: https://docs.mulesoft.com/mule-runtime/latest/configuring-properties