I would like to create a function to hide/unhide non adjacent columns
I've tried that code (I4ve copied/paste from the forum) but as I don't understand what "hide=>" for example, I'm lost. Is it a variable?
Thanks if you could help me
function myFunction() {
//list of columns that I want to hide/unhide
const hideColumns = [0,1,3,7,15];
const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
const sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
const requests = [];
// Create request for hiding/unhiding the hide columns.
if (hideColumns.length > 0) {
//unhidding hidden columns
else {
//hiddenning columns
When you use foreach loop for hideColumns array
Means the current element of array in loop.
It means you give a name of that element in array for loop.
sheet.hideColumn(sheet.getRange(1,value)); // as you can see we used "value" in here to represent the elements in loop.
Other example;
We have an array named "numbers" and there are numbers in it. We want to get all numbers and do something for everynumber such as printing or logging to console.
numbers.forEach(number => console.log(number))
You should look for arrays and loops to understand better.