it's my first time using audioKit. great framework by the way
I am able to record, works beautifully.
func prepareToAKrecord() {
// Setup microphone and reverb
mic = engine.input
reverb = Reverb(mic)
reverb.loadFactoryPreset(.mediumRoom) //large hall etc
engine.output = reverb
do {
// Check if the recorder is already recording
if recorder?.isRecording == true {
print("Recorder is already recording. Attempting to stop before reinitializing.")
// Reset the recorder if it exists
if let existingRecorder = recorder {
try existingRecorder.reset()
print("Recorder reset successfully.")
recorder = try NodeRecorder(node: reverb, shouldCleanupRecordings: true)
try self.engine.start()
try self.recorder!.record()
} catch {
print("Failed to create recorder: \(error)")
then I stop it
func stopAKRecordingAndSave() {
self.isRecording = false
if let recordedAudioFile = recorder!.audioFile {
self.voiceURL = recordedAudioFile.url
print("Recording saved to: \(self.voiceURL!)")
self.mergeVoiceSong() // Merge this voice reverb and backing track
//self.merging = false
} else {
print("Failed to get the recorded audio file")
UserDefaults.standard.set(false,forKey: "newSearch")
but if I try to start the engine and record again doesn't work, not even if I do a record.reset()
am I missing an special method to clear the bus? should I keep the engine running and just reset?
I get a bunch of warnings the 2nd time I try recording
Keep the engine running and try it without the reverb. As long as you don't stop the engine and it doesn't throw an error, it is running.
Think how your node chain looks in the various conditions of your app.