I have a patch method that sends an array containing 15 objects, I can print these 15 values perfectly but only get 10 if I put them in entityManager.transaction. When I send a request, the Nestjs server doesn't return anything, it crashes completely.
I send this to NestJs server
"id": 399,
"is_addon": true,
"id": 400,
"is_addon": false,
"id": 401,
"is_addon": false,
"id": 402,
"is_addon": false,
"id": 403,
"is_addon": false,
"id": 404,
"is_addon": false,
"id": 405,
"is_addon": false,
"id": 406,
"is_addon": false,
"id": 407,
"is_addon": false,
"id": 408,
"is_addon": false,
"id": 409,
"is_addon": false,
"id": 410,
"is_addon": false,
"id": 411,
"is_addon": false,
"id": 412,
"is_addon": false,
"id": 413,
"is_addon": false,
I print the indexes outside the transaction
const promises = body.body.map(async (bodyConfirm, id) => {
console.log('id -> ', id);
await this.entityManager.transaction(async transactionalEntityManager => {
const incidentCurrent = await super.findOne({ id: bodyConfirm.id }, ['incident_management_users']);
const proContactUser = await this.userService.findOne({
user_name: incidentCurrent.incident_management_users.user_name,
telegram: Not(IsNull())
When I put inside the transaction
const promises = body.body.map(async (bodyConfirm, id) => {
await this.entityManager.transaction(async transactionalEntityManager => {
--> console.log('id -> ', id);
const incidentCurrent = await super.findOne({ id: bodyConfirm.id }, ['incident_management_users']);
const proContactUser = await this.userService.findOne({
user_name: incidentCurrent.incident_management_users.user_name,
telegram: Not(IsNull())
I don't know why it is like that, if you know the reason please share, thank you!
I finally solved the above problem, I placed the transaction outside the map method, then everything ran perfectly, I think the cause was because I created too many transactions
await this.entityManager.transaction(async transactionalEntityManager => {
await Promise.all(body.body.map(async (bodyConfirm) => {
// code here