Say I have a column that has the following;
c("Q9NZ", "Q69Z_1036_1037_1_1_S1036", "A3K8", "P123_567_789_1_1_T567")
I want the output to find the underscore in the row beneath it and copy that plus the remainder of the string to the row that I am working with. Desired output is;
c("Q9NZ_1036_1037_1_1_S1036" , "Q69Z_1036_1037_1_1_S1036" , "A3K8_567_789_1_1_T567" ,"P123_567_789_1_1_T567")
Here's a dplyr+tidyr method
data.frame(x) %>%
tidyr::separate_wider_delim(x, delim="_", names = c("prefix", "suffix"), too_many = "merge", too_few="align_start") %>%
tidyr::fill(suffix, .direction="up") %>%
transmute(value=paste(prefix, suffix, sep="_"))
which returns
1 Q9NZ_1036_1037_1_1_S1036
2 Q69Z_1036_1037_1_1_S1036
3 A3K8_567_789_1_1_T567
4 P123_567_789_1_1_T567
so if you need the data in a data.frame, this might be helpful.