I have some code using VB.net to converts XML to HTML file using an XSLT stylesheet.
Dim xslt As New XslCompiledTransform(True)
Dim HTMLoutputFile As String = TempDirectory + "test.html"
If File.Exists(HTMLoutputFile) Then
End If
Dim outputStream As New FileStream(HTMLoutputFile, FileMode.Append)
xslt.Transform(XMLoutputFile, Nothing, outputStream)
THE XLST has  
to insert white spaces, but when opening the HTML code I get strange characters showing. The character is a black diamond symbol with a question mark in the middle.
I tried using  
in the XSLT, but I get the same thing.
How can I get a whitespace instead of the weird characters?
Part of the XLST
<span class="Normal">
<xsl:for-each select="//reasons/Addendum">
<b>Addendum Note</b> (<xsl:value-of select="sectionEnctInfo/NoteCreator"/>;
<xsl:value-of select="sectionEnctInfo/datetimeStamp"/>)<br/>
<xsl:call-template name="multilineNote">
<xsl:with-param name="theNoteItemNode" select="noteItem"/>
<xsl:if test="noteItem/imageNoteFile != ''">
<br/><img src="{noteItem/imageNoteFile}"></img><br/>
My suspicion would be that the XSLT processor is writing the output HTML file using one encoding, and you are opening it for reading using some software that is assuming a different encoding.
Check any encoding specified in an xsl:output
declaration in the stylesheet; and open the file using a hex editor to see how the characters are actually encoded.