I have the following wpf grid block. I have an image named truc.PNG, a small file image measuring 16x16 pixels. I can see it in the image block, but not as an icon in one of the menu bar items.I've tried various solutions found here (and not only) but the image never appears, even though the space seems to be ocupied. I've tried with a stackpannel, which had been validated in an old stackoverflow post, I've tried with the viewblock, I've also tried using the class properties in c# but each time the same result, the space seems to be taken but the icon is invisible.
<Menu Grid.Row="0">
<MenuItem Header="Icon">
<MenuItem Header="Sous icone">
<Image Source="LesImages/truc.PNG"/>
<MenuItem Header="Export" />
<MenuItem Header="New record" />
<Image x:Name="ImBox" Source="LesImages/truc.png" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Height="63" Margin="82,39,0,0" VerticalAlignment="Top" Width="119" Grid.RowSpan="2"/>
Tried Stackpanel solution :
<Image Width="20" Height="20" Source="LesImages/truc.PNG" />
<ContentPresenter Content="Reports" />
EDIT : I added the image as a project resource in the .csproj without changing the code and it solved the problem.
<Resource Include="LesImages\truc.PNG" />
From your XAML code, it looks like the image should appear correctly.
Here are things to check when everything looks right, but the image still isn't loading:
See here: stackoverflow.com/q/25714085/1136211 – Clemens Dec 6 at 8:47
<Resource Include="LesImages\truc.PNG" />
property value is Uniform
. However if it was set to None
, the image will render in the original size, and if the corner that fills the icon space is transparent or the same color as the background, it will appear to be invisible.<Image Source="LesImages/truc.PNG.png"
Stretch="Uniform" />