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How can I split github repo into two?

I have github repo with 2 folders: client/server. I need to make separate repositories from these folders, but so that the commit history for each repository is not lost. After that, the main repository must be deleted. I came across the filter-repo utility on the Internet, but I didn't really figure out how it works. Could you help with that?



expected result:





  • subtree split


    subtree split will "split" your content into branches

    Long answer

    • Split the main branch (whole content) by "folders" into branches.
    • Create submodules from the new branches (add,commit & push) into new git repo


    git subtree split <path> -b <branch> and then add remote for each submodule and push the branch to the remote.

    # split the "main repo" into branches and preserve full history
    git subtree split -P client -b <client>
    git subtree split -P server -b <server>
    # For each branch that you extract client/server
    # create a git repo (which will be used for submodules)
    # Add the content to the git server
    # add remote for client
    git remote add submodule1 <client_url>
    # push the submodule
    git push submodule1 <branch>
    • Once you have all your submodules set up add them to the "main" repo
    # Add the submodules 
    git submodule add <url>

    Once all your submodules are added commit the .gitmodules file