I am using notifier provider like this :
class MainProductNew extends _$MainProductNew {
AsyncValue<MainProductStateModel> build(String id) {
return const AsyncValue.loading();
Future<void> getMainProduct() async {
final result = await ref.watch(productViewNewRepositoryProvider).getMainProduct(id);
state = AsyncValue.data(state.value!.copyWith(mainProductModel: result.extractDataOrThrow));
When I am calling getMainProduct method and I want to update the state , since state value is null I get :
Error: Unexpected null value.
the issue is here :
MainProductStateModel is a freezed class, How can I correctly initialize the state?
Do I need to create an object if the state is null but after that I can use copywith, Is it correct ?
In general, if your state shoudl be AsyncLoading until a known future completes, return that future. So your code should look like this:
class MainProductNew extends _$MainProductNew {
Future<MainProductStateModel> build(String id) {
return _getMainProduct();
Future<MainProductStateModel> _getMainProduct() async {
final result = await ref.watch(productViewNewRepositoryProvider).getMainProduct(id);
return result;
I made it private to distinguish between internal functions and external mutation API methods. And you could further simplify that internal function as:
Future<MainProductStateModel> _getMainProduct() =>