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Fetch balances from Binance using NextJS, ccxt and TypeScript

I'm trying to fetch balances from Binance in my NextJS 13 application, which uses the /src/app dir and TypeScript.

async function getData() {   
  const exchange = new ccxt.binance ({
    "apiKey": "mykey",
    "secret": "mysecret",
  return exchange.fetchTotalBalance()
export default async function Page() {
  const data = await getData()
  return <main>{data. Total}</main>

But I keep getting an error:

Error [ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND]: Cannot find module 'D:\myapp\.next\server\static_dependencies\node-fetch\index.js' imported from D:\myapp\.next\server\app\page.js

Tried to install and import node-fetch package,didn't help. Unfortunately, there is little information about ccxt usage with React/NextJS. So, help is needed.


  • I asked the same question on NextJS GitHub, and @bludnic gave this solution, which I tried and seems to be working:

    Solved by replacing fetch implementation of CCXT with the NextJS fetch.

    import ccxt from 'ccxt'
    const fetcher = (...args: Parameters<typeof fetch>) => fetch(...args);
    export default async function Page() {
      const exchange = new ccxt.binance()
      exchange.fetchImplementation = fetcher // <-
      const price = await exchange.fetchTicker('BTC/USDT')
      return <div>{JSON.stringify(price)}</div>

    The discussion is here: