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Setting Gitlab-runner build path in Linux machine

I have a Linux(RHEL) runner and creating a CI/CD pipeline to build the project using .yml file from GitLab.

When I try to run the pipeline using .yml from GitLab, it automatically creates a folder as depicted below.

enter image description here

I want to change this initialized Git repository into my "/home" folder. Have created a Git directory under home folder "/home/new_build" using command.

Tried setting the "GIT_DIR" path on the RHEL server, but no changes observed to the Git Initialization directory from .yml file.

Any other steps I could infuse to change the Git Initialization directory, which can be picked by .yml file from GitLab.


  • Add this field in the etc/gitlab-runner/config.toml on your linux machine:

    **builds_dir = "<target-dir>"**

    In the linux machine:

    -gitlab-runner uninstall
    -gitlab-runner install --user=gitlab-runner --working-directory=<target-dir>
    -create the <target-dir>
    -chmod 777 <target-dir>
    -chown gitlab-runner <target-dir>
    -gitlab-runner restart

    **target-dir is the new repository path, where the git-clone and git-build will take place.