Context: I solve the equation A_des.x = b
where I find x
through a least-squares method. I have to do this operation several thousands of time. A_des
changes between each iteration but remains sparse (always around 4% of actual data in the matrix).
Problem: A_des
is large ((28106, 1185)
), and solving the linear systems takes approximately 1 second. I need to do this operation 300000 times.
Question: Would you have leads on what could speed-up this process ?
What I tried: I coded my function both on GPU and CPU. I use pytorch
for the GPU computations, but the speed-up is inconsistent. I can not parallelize my function because the solver functions are usually already threaded. I have tried using several solver functions on CPU: np.linalg.solve
, np.linalg.lstsq
, scipy.linalg.solve
, scipy.optimize.least_squares
, scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr
(with pre-emptively converting A_des
with scipy.sparse.coo_array(A_des)
Best method I found: The best compromise I found was using np.linalg.solve
, I just have to do by hand some matrix manipulation. For example, solving the system with a least-square function would be: x = np.linalg.lstsq(A_des, b)
while with solve
it would be: x = np.linalg.solve(A_des.T@A_des, A_des.T@b)
. The only other option I found that solves the system faster is: x = scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr(A_des, b, atol = 1e-3, btol = 1e-3)
but then the results are not great.
My function:
def Inverter(GPU, A_des, b):
if GPU:
# Migrate b to torch
b= torch.from_numpy(b).to(device).double()
# Migrate design matrix to GPU
A_des = torch.from_numpy(A_des).to(device)
x= torch.linalg.solve(A_des.T@A_des,A_des.T@(b)).cpu()
#x= scipy.sparse.coo_array(A_des)
#x= scipy.sparse.linalg.lsqr(A_des, b)[0]
#x = scipy.linalg.solve(A_des.T@A_des,A_des.T@(b))
x= np.linalg.solve(A_des.T@A_des,A_des.T@b)
return x
You can try using Numba library for parallelizing functions on GPU