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Customizing how Pull Request completion changes the associated work items

Is it possible to customize how PR Completion changes the associated work items? I know I have a "remember" toggle under Project Settings -> Repositories -> <Repo Name> -> work item transition preferences and Complete associated work items after merging in the PR itself, but all I get in my associated work item is Completing Pull Request 1234 and the associated work items

What I'd really like is Completing !1234 and the associated work items (where that is a link to the PR, not just the text). But I can't see how one would set that up.

My use case is that I'm walking the tree of work items and I want to peruse which PR fixed what. I have to go all caveman and type things, when all I want to do is click.

Is there something I can customize to get what I want?

Thanks in advance


  • I understand your problem, but i'm afraid currently it's not supported to customize how PR Completion changes the associated work items.

    When we complete the PR, the message Completing Pull Request 1234 and the associated work items is automatically added to the work item, there's no option to customize it.

    If you'd like the

    If you would like the feature, it's recommended to raise a user voice ticket in link, thanks.