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Propagating the `trace_id` and `span_id` with `opentelemetry` and `tracing`

I have a client and a server, both instrumented with tracing, and the opentelemetry_otlp exporter also works correctly as far as I can tell. To test that I have set up the docker-compose example of Grafana Tempo as a receiver and the traces show up correctly.

However, a call from the client to the server results in two distinct traces, one for the client and one for the server, and I'd like to associate them into a single trace, by propagating the trace context from the client, and injecting it on the server.

My problem however is that there appear to be hundreds of ways to get this done, and they all contradict. And my understanding of the interaction between tracing and opentelemetry is a bit nebulous. I would expect that registering the OpenTelemetryLayer as a subscriber to tracing would result in the opentelemetry span being managed alongside the tracing span, but whenever I try to extract the SpanContext in order to serialize it and attach it to the tonic query as an HTTP header, the SpanContext is uninitialized (i.e., it has the invalid trace_id=00000000000000000000000000000000 and span_id=0000000000000000, which isn't allowed.

The following minimal example shows what will eventually be the client, attempting to extract the SpanContext, but until I can get the SpanContext there is no point in continuing.

use opentelemetry::{
        trace::{BatchConfig, RandomIdGenerator, Tracer},
use opentelemetry_otlp::WithExportConfig;
use opentelemetry_semantic_conventions::{resource::SERVICE_NAME, SCHEMA_URL};
use tracing_opentelemetry::OpenTelemetryLayer;
use tracing_subscriber::{layer::SubscriberExt, util::SubscriberInitExt};

fn init_tracer(resource: Resource, endpoint: &str) -> Tracer {

fn init_tracing_subscriber(service_name: &str, endpoint: &str) -> OtelGuard {
    eprintln!("Initializing tracing with endpoint {}", endpoint);
    let resource = Resource::from_schema_url(
        [KeyValue::new(SERVICE_NAME, service_name.to_owned())],

        .with(OpenTelemetryLayer::new(init_tracer(resource, endpoint)))
    OtelGuard {}

fn init() -> OtelGuard {
    let service_name = dbg!(env!("CARGO_PKG_NAME"));
    let endpoint = "";
    init_tracing_subscriber(service_name, endpoint)

pub struct OtelGuard {}
impl Drop for OtelGuard {
    fn drop(&mut self) {

async fn main() {
    let _guard = init();

async fn a() {

fn aa() {}
fn bb() {

What am I missing? How can I get the current opentracing SpanContext so that I can propagate it to the client?


  • You're almost there! Check the OpenTelemetrySpanExt trait from the tracing_opentelemetry crate.

    It provides context on the sending side:

    use opentelemetry::global as otel;
    use opentelemetry_http::HeaderInjector;
    use tracing::Span;
    use tracing_opentelemetry::OpenTelemetrySpanExt;
    let ctx = Span::current().context();
    otel::get_text_map_propagator(|propagator| {
        propagator.inject_context(&ctx, &mut HeaderInjector(req.headers_mut()));

    The receiving side uses set_parent from the same trait:

    let extractor = opentelemetry_http::HeaderExtractor(headers);
    let remote_context = otel::get_text_map_propagator(|propagator| propagator.extract(&extractor))

    See opentelemetry-remote-context for an example.