Search code examples

How to use the properties query with Drive.Files.List in Google Apps Script v5

I'm trying to use the Advanced Google Drive service in Google Apps Script to find files with a given custom property value

          "corpora": "allDrives",
          "includeTeamDriveItems": true,
          "q": "'1tfT0BtCg2Z7B7dviOqNQsZTdSjrX5V9B' in parents and trashed = false and properties has {key='photoId' and value='AJHPqhQHfoNqbZSdk8ZUU-RILziCVXViIWPKBG46RIcTVSqzijyVOwyvk1hRE-PxCv3LGXlcT7e7AacOUjKxrUdnG6ssS4YdnQ'}",
          "supportsTeamDrives": true

This code as written gives the error

API call to drive.files.list failed with error: Invalid query

however if I remove and properties has {...} it will run fine.

I think I need to escape the curly braces somehow however I can't quite figure out how to do so?

Any help is much appreciated!


  • visibility parameter is not optional in v2. Use

    '1tfT0BtCg2Z7B7dviOqNQsZTdSjrX5V9B' in parents and
     trashed = false and
     properties has {
        key='photoId' and 
        value='AJHPqhQHfoNqbZSdk8ZUU-RILziCVXViIWPKBG46RIcTVSqzijyVOwyvk1hRE-PxCv3LGXlcT7e7AacOUjKxrUdnG6ssS4YdnQ' and 