My SQL script is to display the company, employee number, last name, first name, current job, and current salary.
To arrive at the current something implies there are dates involved.
How do I display the current job and salary of that employee?
emp (base table)
empno | lastname | firstname |
111 | james | lebron |
222 | bryant | kobe |
333 | jordan | michael |
444 | curry | stephen |
dept_job view
company | empno | effdate | job | salary |
lakers | 111 | 04/16/15 | assistant | 1500.00 |
lakers | 111 | 02/02/16 | coach | 4000.00 |
lakers | 222 | 07/22/17 | analyst | 3000.00 |
bulls | 333 | 04/12/17 | secretary | 5000.00 |
bulls | 333 | 07/28/18 | manager | 5000.00 |
warriors | 444 | 10/04/19 | chef | 2000.00 |
I used MAX() on the effectivity date (effdate) to get the most current job and salary. But it displays past job and salary.
SELECT, em.empno, em.lastname, em.firstname, z.job, z.salary
FROM emp em
JOIN ( SELECT, dj.empno, dj.effdate, dj.job, dj.salary
FROM dept_job dj
JOIN (SELECT company, empno, MAX(effdate) AS maxefffdate
FROM dept_job
GROUP BY company, empno) pe
ON dj.empno = pc.empno AND dj.effdate = pe.maxeffdate) z
ON em.empno = z.empno
ORDER BY company, empno;
Result (wrong)
company | empno | lastname | firstname | job | salary |
lakers | 111 | james | lebron | assistant | 1500.00 |
lakers | 111 | james | lebron | coach | 4000.00 |
lakers | 222 | bryant | kobe | analyst | 3000.00 |
bulls | 333 | jordan | michael | secretary | 5000.00 |
bulls | 333 | jordan | michael | manager | 5000.00 |
warriors | 444 | curry | stephen | chef | 2000.00 |
What I want
company | empno | lastname | firstname | job | salary |
lakers | 111 | james | lebron | coach | 4000.00 |
lakers | 222 | bryant | kobe | analyst | 3000.00 |
bulls | 333 | jordan | michael | manager | 5000.00 |
warriors | 444 | curry | stephen | chef | 2000.00 |
FROM emp em
JOIN dept_job dj ON em.empno = dj.empno
SELECT empno
,MAX(effdate) AS maxefffdate
FROM dept_job
GROUP BY empno
) z
ON dj.empno = z.empno
AND dj.effdate = z.maxefffdate
ORDER BY company