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Go program works with the single channel and runs into a deadlock with the introduction of a new channel

I am new to the go channels, I am trying to learn go channels by constructing a mock kernel and processes interaction through channels. The aim of this sample program is have multiple processes (2) sending memory allocation requests to the kernel using a single channel simultaneously, other processess sending release memory requests to the kernel using a single but different channel.

                           +------------------+       |             |
                          -> Alloc. Mem. Ch.  |<--\   |             |
+-----------------+   ---/ +------------------+   >-->|   Kernel    |
|   Process A     |<--     +------------------+ -/    |             |
+-----------------+   \--> |  Realse Mem. Ch. |<      |             |
                           +------------------+       +-------------+

Program works if I only have allocation requests, as soon as I introduces release requests program run into a deadlock.

Note, process also creates a reply queue when sending an allocation request however, that is not shown in the above diagram because it is not part of the problem.

The complete program is below:

package main

import (
        // "log"

const (
        _ float64 = iota

// Kernel type to communicate between processes and memory resources
type Kernel struct {
        reqMemCh chan chan int
        rlsMemCh chan int

func (k *Kernel) Init() {
        k.reqMemCh = make(chan chan int, 2)
        k.rlsMemCh = make(chan int, 2)
        go k.AllocMem()
        go k.RlsMem()

// Fetch memory on process request
func (k *Kernel) GetReqMemCh() chan chan int {
        return k.reqMemCh

func (k *Kernel) GetRlsMemCh() chan int {
        return k.rlsMemCh

func (k *Kernel) AllocMem() {
        // loop over the items (process reply channels) received over
        // the request channel
        for pCh := range k.GetReqMemCh() {
                // for now think 0 is the available index
                // send this as a reply to the exclusive process reply channel
                pCh <- 0

// Release memory
func (k *Kernel) RlsMem() {
        // we do not have to anything here

// Process type which requests memory
type Proc struct {
        ind     int
        prio    float64
        exeT    time.Time
        count   int
        memInd  int
        rqMemCh chan chan int
        rlMemCh chan int

func (p *Proc) Init(
        ind int,
        prio float64,
        rqMemCh chan chan int,
        rlMemCh chan int,
) {
        p.ind = ind
        p.prio = prio
        p.memInd = -1
        p.rqMemCh = rqMemCh
        p.rlMemCh = rlMemCh

func (p *Proc) GetReqMemCh() chan chan int {
        return p.rqMemCh

func (p *Proc) GetRlsMemCh() chan int {
        return p.rlMemCh

func (p *Proc) ReqMem() {
        // create the reply channel exclusive to the process
        // this channel will return the allocated memeory id/address
        rpCh := make(chan int)
        // send the reply channel through the request channel
        // to get back the allocation memory id
        p.GetReqMemCh() <- rpCh
        // Below line is blocking ...
        for mi := range rpCh {
                p.memInd = mi

func (p Proc) RlsMem() {
        p.GetRlsMemCh() <- 0

func (p Proc) String() string {
        return fmt.Sprintf(
                "Proc(%d): Memory(%d), Count(%d)",
                p.ind+1, p.memInd+1, p.count,

func main() {

        k := &Kernel{}

        p := &Proc{}
        for i := 0; i < 3; i++ {
                p.Init(i, LowPrio, k.GetReqMemCh(), k.GetRlsMemCh())


and the exception is as follows:

fatal error: all goroutines are asleep - deadlock!

goroutine 1 [chan send]:
        main.go:119 +0xc5

goroutine 6 [chan receive]:
        main.go:41 +0x5e
created by main.(*Kernel).Init in goroutine 1
        main.go:25 +0xc5
exit status 2

Any help will be really appreciated.




  • As Brits commented, you have a buffered channel that is reaching it's capacity with nothing to read from it.

    Per the language tour (1 2), sends and receives block until the other side is ready. While buffering a channel gives some lenience here, the behavior is the same once the buffer is full.

    This can be fixed by adding a consumer for k.rlsMemCh. If you don't have any action planned for this, either remove the channel or have logic to drain it for now.

    func (k *Kernel) Init() {
            k.reqMemCh = make(chan chan int, 2)
            k.rlsMemCh = make(chan int, 2)
            go k.AllocMem()
            go k.RlsMem()
    func (k *Kernel) AllocMem() {
            for pCh := range k.GetReqMemCh() {
                    pCh <- 0
    func (k *Kernel) RlsMem() {
            // TODO: Add a for-select or for-range over k.rlsMemCh here

    Draining might look like this:

    func (k *Kernel) RlsMem() {
            for {