I am running a golang server at localhost:8080
and nextjs server at localhost:3000
When you make a POST
request to localhost:8080/login
, it authenticates and sets a cookie.
When I send a POST
request to the /login
route on the backend, I got a cookie on the localhost:3000
which is the frontend(as I can see on my browser). Why is the cookie being set on the frontend domain?
I am using the following options on the backend
corsConfig := cors.Config{
AllowOrigins: []string{"http://localhost:3000"},
AllowMethods: []string{"GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE"},
AllowHeaders: []string{"Origin", "Content-Type"},
AllowCredentials: true,
c.SetCookie("token", tokenString, int(expirationTime.Unix()), "/", "localhost", false, true)
fetch request on the frontend
const res = await fetch("http://localhost:8080/login", {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
credentials: "include",
body: JSON.stringify(data),
Isn't the token supposed to be set on localhost:8080
. This is the same in this video posted freecodecamp channel React and Golang JWT Authentication
Data for the token
Expires / Max-Age:"Thu, 11 Nov 2077 00:17:16 GMT"
"A browser today shares cookies on localhost, regardless of the port." link to discussion
Even though localhost:8080
and localhost:3000
are on different ports, they are both on the localhost
domain on which the cookie is set. Hence we see the cookie localhost:{port}
regardless of the port number