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Is there a VSCode snippet to convert a PHP regular function to an arrow function?

Creating this question to answer myself, as I couldn't find it anywhere and I'm hoping it'll help someone else!

When writing PHP (e.g. Laravel) I often have an arrow function that I want to convert back to a regular function for debugging purposes or to add complexity to the return statement or closure process.

For example:

// Convert this:
collect($someArray)->map(fn($item) => $item->value);

// To this:
collect($someArray)->map(function ($item) {
  return $item->value;

Once I'm done debugging and figure out the correct code I want to leave in there, I'll often want to put it back the way it was, like:

// Convert this:
collect($someArray)->map(function ($item) {
  // dd($item);
  return $item->correct_value;

// To this:
collect($someArray)->map(fn($item) => $item->correct_value);

I looked all over but couldn't find an existing VSCode snippet to accomplish this.


  • I've created a public gist with the snippets here but for convenience, here they are inline. Just select the function you want to convert use cmd+shift+p to open the command palette and select "Snippets: Insert Snippet" and then search for "converToArrow" or "convertFromArrow".

    // Place this snippet in php.json to allow it only in PHP files
      // Other Snippets Here
      "Convert PHP function to fat arrow function": {
        "prefix": "convertToArrow",
        "body": [
            "${TM_SELECTED_TEXT/function\\s*\\(([^)]*)\\)(?:\\s*use\\s*\\([^)]*\\))?\\s*\\{\\s*(?:return\\s+)?([^;]+);\\s*\\}/fn($1) => $2/}"
      "Convert fat arrow function to standard PHP function": {
        "prefix": "convertFromArrow",
        "body": [
            "${TM_SELECTED_TEXT/fn\\s*\\(([^)]*)\\)\\s*=>\\s*([^;]+)/function ($1) { return $2; }/}"
        "description": "Convert a fat arrow function to a standard PHP function"

    Happy VSCoding + PHPing! 🥳