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Linking figure caption number to chapter number in a different style than Heading 1 in Word

I am using a customized thesis template where the styles are manually created. However, there are no standard Word styles, such as "Heading X." I am trying to include chapter numbers in my figure captions. While attempting to do so, I've selected include chapter number in the Caption Numbering settings. Unfortunately, I encountered an issue; the Chapter starts with style cell only displays standard Word styles (Heading 1-9). It doesn't show styles other than Heading X. Consequently, I am unable to add chapter numbers in front of my figure numbers with my Chapter style (let's say "Title1") within the captions. Can anyone provide guidance on how to accomplish this?

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I checked the multilevel list in the Home tab and looked through modifying the style.


  • When you open the Caption Numbering window, you cannot access any style other than Windows' own standard styles (Heading X) under Chapter starts with style. I was able to find a solution as follows: After writing a title with the style I created and wanted to use, I opened the Styles window with this style selected as the style type. Here, when I clicked on the downward arrow next to Heading 1, then I selected Update Heading 1 to Match Selection from the menu that opened. So, I copied the content of the style I created to Heading 1. In this case, if you select Heading 1 when you want to add the Chapter number, it links figure caption number to related chapter number successfully.

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