I know in python we can easily convert an int to string with str(). I would like to convert int to string using recursion and not using str(). I came up with the following which appears to work but looks overly complicated. Is there a cleaner, elegant, more efficient algorithm?
def intTOstring(n,text=""):
if n == 0:
return text
elif n < 10 and n > 0:
return text + chr(n+48)
x = n
i = 0
while(x >= 10):
x = x // 10
i += 1
n = n - x*10**i
text = text + chr(x+48)
if n < 10**(i-1):
text = text + chr(48)
return intTOstring(n,text)
I'd do:
def int_to_string(n):
i, j = n // 10, n % 10
return (int_to_string(i) if i > 0 else "") + chr(j + 48)
s = int_to_string(125)
print(s, type(s))
125 <class 'str'>