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Loop through list of tupples and return matching tupple value in Django

I have been struggling with this for hours, I have a variable :

numbered_objects = [(index + 1, obj) for index, obj in enumerate(carts)]

that makes me a list like this from my Model :

[(1, <CalculatedNumbers: one>), (2, <CalculatedNumbers: two>), (3, <CalculatedNumbers: three>), (4, <CalculatedNumbers: four>), ...]

and I have another variable : 'usernobat' that returns me a number

How can I go through my list of tupples, find the matching tupple index that is matching 'usernobat' and return its data ?

I have tried for loops like this :

matching_object = None
    for obj in range(len(numbered_objects)):
        for key in numbered_objects[obj]:
            if key == usernobat:
                matching_object = key

but they all return None

edit: I added my entire view :

def cart_resault(request):
    carts = CalculatedNumbers.objects.filter(used=False)[:50]
    usersubmit = UserSelection.objects.get(user=request.user)

    usernobat, usernobat__created = UserNobats.objects.get_or_create(user=request.user)

    numbers_sum = sum(getattr(usersubmit, f'number_{i}', 0) for i in range(1, 11))
    usernobat.usernobat = numbers_sum
    numbered_objects = [(index + 1, obj) for index, obj in enumerate(carts)]
    matching_object = None
    for obj in range(len(numbered_objects)):
        for key in numbered_objects[obj]:
            if key == usernobat:
                matching_object = key


  • I think your usernobat is probably still a string, so '2' for example, not 2, and thus 2 != '2'.

    You can cast it to a 2 with int(…) first, so:

    usernobat = int(usernobat)
    matching_object = None
    for k, v in numbered_objects:
        if k == usernobat:
            matching_object = v