I can’t figure out how to implement a “Back” button that would return to the previous menu. I've tried using a stack to keep track of previous states, but it's inefficient and doesn't always work. Is there a way to implement such a feature? So, let's say the "Back-2" button would take me back to the menu with the "Source Channel Settings" button, and the "Back-1" button would take me back to the "Bot Settings". I would be grateful for any ideas.
async def bot_settings(message: Message):
keyboard = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard=[
[KeyboardButton(text="Bot Settings")],
await message.answer("Choose an action:", reply_markup=keyboard)
@dp.message(lambda message: message.text == "Bot Settings")
async def bot_settings_menu(message: Message):
keyboard = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard=[
[KeyboardButton(text="Source Channel Settings")],
await message.answer(text="Choose an action:", reply_markup=keyboard)
@dp.message(lambda message: message.text == "Source Channels Setup")
async def configure_source_channels(message: Message):
keyboard = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard=[
[KeyboardButton(text="Add channel", request_chat=KeyboardButtonRequestChat(
[KeyboardButton(text="Channel list")],
await message.answer(text="Choose an action:", reply_markup=keyboard)
from aiogram import types
# Define states
MAIN_MENU = 'main_menu'
BOT_SETTINGS = 'bot_settings'
SOURCE_CHANNEL_SETTINGS = 'source_channel_settings'
# State storage
user_states = {}
def get_user_state(user_id):
return user_states.get(user_id, MAIN_MENU)
def update_user_state(user_id, state):
user_states[user_id] = state
# Entry point to bot settings, sets the user's state to BOT_SETTINGS
async def bot_settings(message: Message):
update_user_state(message.from_user.id, BOT_SETTINGS)
keyboard = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard=[
[KeyboardButton(text="Bot Settings")],
await message.answer("Choose an action:", reply_markup=keyboard)
# Handles the Bot Settings menu
@dpp.message(lambda message: message.text == "Bot Settings")
async def bot_settings_menu(message: Message):
update_user_state(message.from_user.id, SOURCE_CHANNEL_SETTINGS)
keyboard = ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard=[
[KeyboardButton(text="Source Channel Settings")],
await message.answer("Choose an action:", reply_markup=keyboard)
# Handles the Source Channels Setup menu
@dpp.message(lambda message: message.text == "Source Channels Setup")
async def configure_source_channels(message: Message):
# Your source channel configuration code goes here
# A generic back button handler
@dpp.message(lambda message: message.text == "Back")
async def handle_back(message: Message):
user_id = message.from_user.id
current_state = get_user_state(user_id)
if current_state == SOURCE_CHANNEL_SETTINGS:
# Go back to BOT_SETTINGS
await bot_settings(message)
elif current_state == BOT_SETTINGS:
# Go back to MAIN_MENU or whatever the initial state is
await start(message)
# Default action or error message
await message.answer("Not sure where to go back from here.")
# Your 'start' handler or main menu function
async def start(message: Message):
# Code to handle the main menu